Very proud of Jose Larocca and Finn Lente. They finished 3rd at the GP of San Giovanni (Italy).
Letizia Malfanti and Lucy van’t Prinsenveld
Lucy’s jumping better and better!
Letizia Malfanti and Irish du Caillou with this great mare! The future looks bright!
Letizia Malfanti and Fisalys de Lyr de Lyr (Roméo de Villaret x Crown Z) finished with a nice 4th place in the 5 years GP! Very happy with this one!! First international show!!

Letizia Malfanti and D’Inextasi des Lines are very proud to have produced such a promising young horse!! Who joins a 5* stables!

Jose and Matias Larocca GP CSI3* Busto Arsizio
I can not be prouder with this twoo!!Jose Maria Larocca and Matías Larocca (father and son) 3th for Jose and 8th for Matías of the Grand Prix CSI*** of Busto Arsizio!!

Maia Pictet CSI3* Busto Arsizio
Very Proud, Maia Pictet is Back on the Game!! Finishing the CSI*** Busto Arsizio (Italie) with a very nice clear round in the 1.40 class

CSI Chazey
After 3 years without competiting, I enjoyed so much riding at the CSI Chazey.

Matias Larocca with Diablo Blanco GP San Remo
Winner of Grand Prix of San Remo : Matias Larocca with Diablo Blanco

Sebastian with Jose Larocca
Sharing the medal with Sebastian who trained me and accompanied me since october and without whom this achievement would not have been possible! Thanks…